Medical Aid Quotes | Compare Medical Schemes in South Africa

How do you choose the correct Medical Aid Scheme to look after you and your family when you need it most?  This is not an easy task, especially if you’re not familiar with the different options and cover provided by the various Medical Schemes available in South Africa.

Currently, only 20 of approximately 71 registered Medical Aid Schemes in SA are open to the public.  Take into consideration that most of these 20 schemes have a few options to choose from and it becomes a daunting task!

Well, not anymore…It is now possible to get a comparative quote and access to a specialist consultant to guide you through the different options, answering any questions you might have and ensuring you get the Medical Aid cover you need at an affordable rate.

Medical Aid Quotes

Our medical scheme specialists will assist you with:

Choosing the “most suitable” Medical Aid option in the market

Investigating more than 20 Medical Schemes and options

Providing pro-active advice on your present Medical Aid

Claims and query resolution

Compare Various Medical Aid Quotes Today:

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Medical Aid

How do you choose the correct medical aid scheme to look after you and your family when you need it most? This is not an easy task…

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